Is Biden falling for a Stupidity?

Relying on family and friends -- ouch!

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Relying on family and friends — we all do it and many times it works out. But relying on family and friends is one of the Seven Deadly Stupidities for good reason.

Family and friends mean well, but………

Let’s take a look at what is going on right now with President Joe Biden. After a debate performance that even Biden called “a bad night” he defiantly stated, “I am running for president” even though many who previously supported him believe he is unfit for office.

How is Biden making this Tectonic Decision?

President Biden is increasingly leaning on his family while navigating calls from fellow Democrats to end his 2024 candidacy.

Jill Biden and Hunter Biden serve as some of the president’s closest inner circle of confidants, with a public focus shifting on them since his dismal debate performance last week.

Alex Gagitano, The Hill

Oh my, a textbook example of decision-making gone wrong. Family and friends mean well, and that’s the problem. They have no sense of objectivity and in the case of the Bidens, the family is entwined in the decision!

First Lady Jill Biden loves being First Lady and Hunter Biden needs a dad as president to mitigate his own legal quagmire. (Note: I am not a Biden or Trump supporter.)

So, when we have a Tectonic Decision in our own lives, how should we handle it? Use the anti-Biden approach.

Key Takeaways

  1. Bring outsiders into the decision-making process. You need to hear objective opinions, or at least not those of family and friends trying to make you feel better. Avoid having family members with a stake in the decision advising you. Can you spell “conflict-of-interest?”

  2. Search and find the most negative opinion and study it as if you were the person voicing the opposition to your Tectonic Decision. After you peel away the emotions, does the anti-position have validity? Can it actually happen? Is it probable? Listen to the naysayers and learn from them.

  3. And the best way to handle these things? Avoid them. Look ahead and identify the high-leverage points in your decision-making path. For Biden and his team, they had to know the debate would be one of these high-leverage points — Trump would bash and bully Biden and Biden would need to appear strong and resilient. Why agree to the debate at all?

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